Debugging and bug triage | Smartlook Blog Analytics that help you understand your users Mon, 28 Aug 2023 08:25:05 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Debugging and bug triage | Smartlook Blog 32 32 How user journey insights helped CricHeroes improve their user engagement and retention rates Fri, 23 Dec 2022 08:34:00 +0000 Find out how CricHeroes uses Smartlook to streamline their app’s user interface, increase in-app messaging, and knock customer queries for six

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CricHeroes in a snapshot

With nearly 17 million users, CricHeroes is the world’s largest cricket network. Originally a scorekeeping app for grassroots cricketers, it has evolved into a social sports network relying on performance analytics to improve how members play, watch, and understand cricket.

With CricHeroes, you can do the following:

  • Score, analyze, and discuss cricket matches
  • Receive detailed insights to improve individual player and team performance
  • Find teams to join, tournaments, grounds, umpires, and more
  • Register and manage your own tournaments

Smartlook features used
Session Recordings

Watch authentic video recordings of user behavior on your website. Replay sessions and segment recordings to focus on important user groups.


Track all clicks and interactions across your website. Identify the most crucial events and browse session recordings to explore user interactions in-depth.rn

CricHeroes was looking for precise data regarding how their app is used so they can help improve user engagement and retention rates

CricHeroes wanted to continually improve their app’s features to grow their user base and ensure their customers were getting the best experience possible. The problem was they didn’t have access to data that allowed them to visualize how the user journey unfolded, including where users misclicked and got stuck. Without this data, CricHeroes couldn’t make informed decisions about how to upgrade their app’s features or develop new ones. 

To solve the problem, CricHeroes implemented a behavior analytics tool to generate the data and insights they needed. Specifically, they wanted:

  • A step-by-step understanding of how people use their app
  • To encourage behavior linked to higher user engagement and retention
  • Identify points where users stop engaging and mitigate them
  • Identify points of strong user engagement and amplify them
“If we can give users the value they are searching for in week one, they’re more likely to keep using the app. So, although onboarding is very important, it’s difficult as we have different user personas. So we needed to know which activities users were doing right after signing up. Based on that, we can improve our onboarding to retain more users.”
Parita Pithwa
User Engagement Lead at CricHeroes

Smartlook is a flexible, affordable way for CricHeroes to analyze user behavior

CricHeroes chose Smartlook as it includes the behavior analytics features they wanted at a competitive price. 

“Smartlook provides very useful features at a much more affordable rate compared to similar products, which is an important consideration for start-ups.”
Parita Pithwa
User Engagement Lead at CricHeroes

Once Smartlook was implemented, the CricHeroes team was immediately able to access and explore insights into the user journey.  

“After setting up Smartlook, we soon found our first insights. We could see live session recordings straight away. And once we had integrated events and user traits, it was really easy to apply filters and check particular recordings.”
Parita Pithwa
User Engagement Lead at CricHeroes

CricHeroes improves and streamlines the user experience with data and insights from Smartlook

CricHeroes’ product growth team uses session recordings and events to streamline and improve the user journey. Now they have access to precise, real-life data regarding how users interact with their app. With this, they can adjust existing features and develop new ones to optimize the user experience. 

This includes improving the onboarding experience, removing unnecessary features, and encouraging user behavior (such as direct messaging) which leads to stronger engagement and retention. 

“With Smartlook, we can check and analyze data regarding different user segments for different features. This allows us to better predict the types of changes we can make with our current app features, including new features we can introduce to help achieve the metrics we have set for user engagement. When viewing recordings, I can see exactly how much time a user is spending on each step, where they click on a particular screen, where they’re not filling out details, and where they get stuck.”
Parita Pithwa
User Engagement Lead at CricHeroes

Boosting direct messaging by 11% by giving relevant nudges

Direct messaging is one of the app’s core engagement features. CricHeroes uses automated nudging to encourage users to exchange messages with one another. 

By analyzing session recordings, they successfully identified new points along the user journey where users are likely to contact other users. After adding extra nudges at these points, users sent 11% more messages.

“Previously, we only had two nudges that pushed users to message one another. We’ve improved the nudges by viewing the recordings to see where users can easily access an extra nudge. By using Smartlook in this way, we have improved the overall use of messaging by 11%.”
Parita Pithwa
User Engagement Lead at CricHeroes

Improving the onboarding experience to optimize user retention 

Now, CricHeroes is no longer in the dark about what users do after signing up. By pulling up data on specific events — such as viewing scorecards, creating teams, and visiting leaderboards — the CricHeroes team can view all relevant session recordings to identify and analyze behavior patterns. 

Seeing what users do before and after a specific event helps CricHeroes understand what users are looking for, what makes them stick around, and what turns them away. These insights enable CricHeroes to adjust their features and workflows to provide a smoother, more enjoyable user onboarding experience and maximize the likelihood that users will continue coming back.

“Smartlook events are really easy to use and give very useful data. I mainly focus on events that are tied to our metrics around engagement and particular features. For example, we have leaderboards showing top players by region, country-wide. Being featured on the leaderboard is a big achievement for any player, but before, we couldn’t see the specifics of engagement on those leaderboards. Now I can see at which point users come to the leaderboard, what motivated them to visit, what they do there, and at which point they leave.”
Parita Pithwa
User Engagement Lead at CricHeroes

Streamlining the user interface by removing unnecessary or unpopular features

Using Smartlook’s session recordings, the CricHeroes team realized that users rarely responded to pop-ups encouraging them to check their achievements. Instead, users tended to view their achievements after prompts from notifications. To resolve the problem, CricHeroes simply removed the pop-ups.

Analyzing session recordings for specific workflows helps the CricHeroes team identify and mitigate the obstacles that led some users to drop off early. For example, users can challenge other teams to matches. Before, users were required to share their contact information with opposing teams. But once CricHeroes realized this requirement was causing some users to abandon the challenge, they changed it.

“The recordings showed us that users were clicking on the challenge-taking button. But when it came to sharing their number with the other team, they clicked on the ‘back’ button instead. So we decided to integrate the internal messaging system so that challenge-takers can chat with each other without sharing any contact details.”
Parita Pithwa
User Engagement Lead at CricHeroes

Resolving customer queries faster using Smartlook

CricHeroes’ customer support team uses Smartlook to help them resolve customer queries faster. By filtering session recordings to search for user IDs, the team can see what occurred when a specific person was using the app and quickly determine how to resolve the underlying issue.

“Smartlook’s filters are extensive, really specific, and helpful. This allows us to find any sessions we want, whether they’re for a particular user ID or if we want to see how many users have done a certain event.”
Parita Pithwa
User Engagement Lead at CricHeroes

Next steps for CricHeroes and Smartlook

The CricHeroes team is excited to continue updating and developing new app features based on insights gained from Smartlook. Next, they plan to improve nudges that encourage paid users to repeat purchases. They’re also exploring how insights from Smartlook can help their sales team optimize their landing pages and sales funnel.

“Using Smartlook really makes my work easier. It’s informative, insightful, easy to use, and features a nice user interface. Even though there’s a lot of information, I don’t feel overwhelmed. It’s very easy for me to view whatever I want. And there are so many features to help me work collaboratively with colleagues — sharing sessions, adding notes, saving a particular segment, and revisiting it.”
Parita Pithwa
User Engagement Lead at CricHeroes
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Vertigo Games uses Smartlook to improve the mobile game development Thu, 20 Jan 2022 17:35:38 +0000 How Smartlook helps fix 10 bugs in each Critical Strike game release and supports Vertigo in delivering the best mobile gaming experience.

The post Vertigo Games uses Smartlook to improve the mobile game development appeared first on Smartlook Blog.

Vertigo Games in a snapshot

Rooted in Istanbul and Tallinn, Vertigo Games is a small game development company that aims BIG. Their goal is to develop and self-publish first-person shooter (FPS) games with the best gaming experience and high quality production values.

Currently, they work on Critical Strike – an FPS game with fast-paced battles that entertain:

  • 250k daily active users (DAU),
  • 3M monthly active users (MAU).

They want to provide their users with the best gaming experience possible, polished graphics, and bug-free gameplay.

Critical Strike screenshot
Smartlook features used

Watch authentic video recordings of users’ behaviors on your website. Replay sessions or segment recordings to focus on the most important user groups.

Funnels let you analyze website user behavior step- by-step. Watch session recordings of each funnel step to discover why users drop off.

Check where your website visitors hover and click to spot the most popular web elements. Get a clear picture of how users engage with your website.

Track every click or interaction on your website. Identify which events are the most crucial and browse session recordings to explore interactions in-depth

Vertigo Games wants to improve their game development process

These days, gamers want a smooth mobile gaming experience. Errors, bugs, or crashes take players away from their devices and leave a bad impression on the game. Also, the chance a player will reach for the game again is rather low.

Vertigo Games know all this and the fact that game players are very demanding customers. But at the beginning of the development of Critical Strike, the product and development team didn’t know:

  • How many gamers will complete the full onboarding guide
  • If players complete the game’s missions according to the initial design
  • What are the exact paths that lead to a bug and how to reproduce the issue?

Vertigo didn’t have any mobile analytics tool in place, so in case of bug detection they were driven by guesswork and assumptions. A less-than-ideal situation. 

As a result, the development process was time-consuming and didn’t lead to any valuable discoveries

“Before Smartlook, we couldn’t find the reasons for the drops occurring in various parts of the funnels in our game. In order to find a solution when we had a high drop rate, we were trying to experience it ourselves and to determine the source of the error in the specified place, which caused a great waste of time.”
Sinem Bulut Selduz
Game analyst at Vertigo Games

Soon, Sinem and Hazal from the Quality Assurance team, realized they needed to invest in a mobile analytics tool that could help them dissect gamers’ behavior.

With user behavior analytics, they would know how many gamers complete the onboarding guides, what are the bug sources, and at what point players encounter those problems.

Also, Vertigo Games believed that a behavior analytics tool would help them improve their KPIs – gamers’ engagement, retention, and in-app monetization. 

Smartlook adds an analytics layer to the Critical Strike mobile game

After doing some thorough research, Vertigo Games decided to invest in Smartlook. The analytics tool lets them analyze Critical Strike and all in-app user behaviors.  Setting up Smartlook was fast, so the Product and QA teams started gathering insights in no time at all. 

How Vertigo Games benefit from using Smartlook

Vertigo Games reduced the number of bugs and provided their users with a swift mobile gaming experience 

Smartlook works in the background, so it doesn’t affect the gameplay or cause FPS issues. 

Vertigo Games uses screen recordings, event-based funnels, and heatmaps to get to know the full gamer journey and gamers’ experience. They literally can analyze their product through the end users’ eyes, with amazing results. 

How do screen recordings help Vertigo Games?

Screen recordings serve the QA team to monitor Critical Strike for any bugs. 

Also, when there is a complaint from a certain player, the team can easily check the recorded screens of that player. It lets them detect the problem, and it’s easy to reproduce the issue step-by-step and apply fixes.

The Product team also watches players’ screen recordings. They are most interested in the recordings of new players – they check whether a gamer completes the onboarding guides. 

Also, they verify if gamers get a great first impression of the game. It’s important, as the better the gamer experience, the higher the number of daily and monthly active users will be

But Vertigo uses other Smartlook features too.

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How do heatmaps help Vertigo Games?

Heatmaps help the Product team view the gaming experience through the gamers’ eyes and understand where gamers click the most often. This knowledge helps develop a game that’s fully optimized for its users.

How do funnel analytics help Vertigo Games?

The most prominent feature for Vertigo Games is the 30- and 60-step funnel based on different events – tutorial, game start, game end, show offer, buy funnel, upgrade popups, etc. Both the QA team and Product team use them to verify the functionality and gamer experience throughout the game. 

Funnel analysis in Smartlook

As there is no limit in the number of steps in each funnel, the teams can adjust the funnel length when they add new missions to the game. 

Whenever the QA team sees a high drop-off in one step of the funnel, they can immediately scrutinize the problem. 

With Smartlook, Vertigo Games saves 10-12 hours of their development time

Thanks to helpful insights from Smartlook, Vertigo Games can analyze game players’ behaviors and spot any problems that cause drop-offs in the Critical Strike funnels

These insights help them design the whole game according to their game players’ needs and expectations

But the best success indicator comes with numerical values. And here, Vertigo Games can be proud of their accomplishments. In general, with Smartlook insights, they found an average of 10 bugs and saved 10 to 12 hours of their development time for each release. 

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“We chose Smartlook since it provides us with every single data that we could ever ask for. The platform offers many advanced features. For example, thanks to your API, we can easily access and monitor in-game behaviors. And Smartlook’s stable SDK in terms of development are real time-savers. We can also recommend your customer service – whenever we faced a problem, someone from support helped us a lot.”
Hazal Bulut
Quality assurance tester at Vertigo Games
Joanna Kaminska
Joanna Kaminska

is a content marketing strategist at Smartlook. She is a seasoned writer interested in storytelling, SaaS and new technologies. Her goal is to create content that is easy to understand for all. After work, she enjoys hiking and nature photography. | LinkedIn profile

The post Vertigo Games uses Smartlook to improve the mobile game development appeared first on Smartlook Blog.

How Hookle saves 10 hours weekly on bug reproduction Fri, 31 Dec 2021 09:50:06 +0000 Read Hookle's success story and discover how Smartlook helped them improve the bug reproduction process, customer support operations, and their app user interface.

The post How Hookle saves 10 hours weekly on bug reproduction appeared first on Smartlook Blog.

Hookle in a snapshot

Hookle is a Finnish startup that offers a social media management app for Android and iOS. Developed with Flutter technology, Hookle’s app provides an easy-to-use interface and a great user experience.

The app helps busy entrepreneurs and small businesses in managing their social media accounts and improving their brand recognition. So far, 10k+ users in over 130 countries boosted their social media presence with Hookle. 

Smartlook features used

Watch authentic video recordings of users’ behaviors on your website. Replay sessions or segment recordings to focus on the most important user groups.

Check where your website visitors hover and click to spot the most popular web elements. Get a clear picture of how users engage with your website.

The pandemic stopped Hookle from collecting user feedback

Not all companies treat feedback from their users as a gift. 

However, the Hookle team is different – they always want to hear from their users and learn if there’s room for improvement.

But when their product was ready to collect the first round of feedback, the COVID-19 pandemic hit with a vengeance. This is an exceptional factor because the Hookle team couldn’t meet with their users face-to-face. 

“When COVID-19 broke out, we couldn’t meet with our customers and learn what they thought of our app. During a team discussion, we realized that we actually need a tool to learn something about our customers and their in-app behavior.” 
Jere Seppala
Chief technology officer and a Co-founder at Hookle Inc.

They had very high expectations towards using a new analytics tool.

The Hookle team wanted to:

  • Check which features in their mobile app are useful for their users
  • Improve user experience (UX) and app usability
  • Give their users fast and accurate support

On a more granular level, they wanted to check whether the chart is useful to their users or which buttons are the most important.

Another crucial case for Hookle was troubleshooting bugs. Problems with bug reproduction was an annoying experience, so the Hookle team wanted to find error sources faster. 

All those expectations came down to the most important goal – to delight their clients, so they leave 5-star reviews on Google Play, Apple Store, or peer-to-peer review sites.

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Hookle wanted a mobile analytics tool that supports Flutter technology

The Hookle team developed their app in Flutter, so their new mobile analytics platform had to perform well with this technology.

In the beginning, the Hookle team tried UXCam, a mobile qualitative analytics tool.

“We tried UXCam, but the company’s pricing was hidden in a way. Thus we continued searching for and evaluating other available options in the market. Luckily, we found Smartlook that also supports Flutter technology. As it happens, Smartlook came out on top for us as a great investment with clear, straightforward pricing.”
Jere Seppala
Chief technology officer and a Co-founder at Hookle Inc.

Smartlook turns out to be a true gem in Hookle’s technology stack

Smartlook’s implementation and onboarding processes were straightforward. Good documentation helped Hookle’s developers connect Smartlook with their tech stack, in super quick time.

Now, it’s been 5 months since Hookle has been gathering valuable insights on how users experience their app, for real. What did the Hookle team achieve in this short but intense 5-month timeframe? 

Shorter and more intuitive user onboarding 

The Hookle team wants to provide a fast and intuitive mobile onboarding experience for their users. They want to make sure that their users know how to synchronize their social media accounts with the Hookle app.

“Instagram and Facebook didn’t make it clear to users how to sync their accounts. It required a certain amount of time and was troublesome for users. We wanted to make it more frictionless. With Smartlook’s screen recordings, we improved the app onboarding. Now, there are no failed onboardings and account connections.”
Jere Seppala
Chief technology officer and a Co-founder at Hookle Inc.

Hookle’s support team reacts to customer problems upfront

A happy customer is the key to exponential business growth. The Hookle team understands that concept very well, so they want to be proactive to their customers’ inquiries. 

But sometimes, it’s hard for the support team to fully understand the issue a customer is facing. For instance, there are mismatches between what the user describes they did and what actually happened. Session recordings from Smartlook make it easy to solve any discrepancies and find the root problem faster than any other data could ever do. 

Thanks to recordings, the development team saves 10 hours a week on bug finding and bug reproduction. That’s an amazing amount of work hours saved each week.

But that’s not all. Once a support specialist noticed that one user had a problem with publishing his posts, they reached out to him and showed him what was going wrong. And it didn’t take long for the customer to show his gratitude by writing a 5-star review, which you can read below.

Heatmaps let Hookle verify their hypotheses faster

In the Hookle app, a user can swipe the statistics chart in different directions. Hookle team’s first assumption was that users view the chart a lot and interact with it. They were also wondering what part of the chart is the most popular.

But the heatmap verified their hypothesis very fast. It turned out that their app users rarely interact with the statistics chart. Thanks to Smartlook’s heatmap feature, the development team resigned from making the chart more interactive and saved 2 whole weeks of development time

Results that sealed the partnership for years 

Thanks to Smartlook’s helpful insights, the Hookle team improved user experience and app usability. And the truth is, a steady stream of feedback about intuitive design flows down from review websites. 

This is how Smartlook changed the way Hookle works:

  • Upfront action to solve customer problems before they reach out to the support team
  • Fast hypotheses’ verification
  • An intuitive and user-friendly app interface
“We still work on our product. Smartlook is one of the most important tools to understand our users and design a product roadmap that fulfills their needs. Smartlook is an industry pioneer – it’s intuitive, flexible, and easy to integrate. Oh, and yes – it supports Flutter technology, which is extremely important for us.” 
Jere Seppala
Chief technology officer and a Co-founder at Hookle Inc.
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Joanna Kaminska
Joanna Kaminska

is a content marketing strategist at Smartlook. She is a seasoned writer interested in storytelling, SaaS and new technologies. Her goal is to create content that is easy to understand for all. After work, she enjoys hiking and nature photography. | LinkedIn profile

The post How Hookle saves 10 hours weekly on bug reproduction appeared first on Smartlook Blog.

Disqo and Smartlook: Growing together since 2017 Thu, 15 Apr 2021 05:57:00 +0000 Disqo is a marketing research company known mainly for its large survey base.

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About the company

Disqo is a marketing research company known mainly for its large survey base.

In the age of GDPR, CCPA, and “cookies-free” policy, it’s increasingly challenging to gain feedback from a target audience. One of the available options is to use surveys.

Disqo is running a massive online community, Survey Junkie, where millions of users are willing to share their insights and provide feedback. The online community serves as a service for companies eager to get genuine answers from real people.
People at Survey Junkie use a designated website or a mobile app to fill in questionnaires. Once they finish a survey, they are rewarded with gift cards or cash.
Disqo uses its survey platform, among other tools, to help companies evaluate their advertising campaigns or test a new design.

Over the years, the team at Disqo integrated Smartlook deeply into the company and developed a system on how to get the most out of behavior analytics. Let’s look at a year-by-year overview:

2017: Customer support discovers Smartlook

Disqo officially became our customer on February 13th, 2017, for the symbolic monthly fee of $100. The company was amongst one of our first paying customers. It was just 1 year after Smartlook was founded, and all resources were invested into development and almost none of them into promotion, making Smartlook a new under-the-radar tool.
Why Smartlook in particular? Because customer support at Disqo was looking for a tool that makes identifying their customers easier. The team at customer support could now search users by their email address or their ID. They also highly appreciated the ability to sort users by their location – that filtered out people from countries that were not supported.

Smartlook was quickly integrated for everyday customer support tasks, like:

At this phase, Smartlook is used solely for the purpose of watching individual users who are reporting issues.

2018: The product department gets involved

It simply happened by coincidence – David – one of the company’s product managers, noticed a tool on a screen of one of his colleagues from customer support. David had never heard about Smartlook before but immediately he started to investigate if there could be any use for this tool in his product department.
Instead of waiting for dissatisfied customers to contact customer support, David decided to proactively use Smartlook to prevent problems in advance. By measuring activity in the Events manager, the product department was able to anticipate particular issues on the website where customers were struggling.

One of the parts that required special care was the sign-up process. Product designers at Disqo looked at videos of the initial sign-up experience to see where users were getting stuck or having trouble continuing. Perhaps a lot of users were clicking on the wrong button or answering the initial questions incorrectly.

“After implementing insights retrieved from Smartlook, 20% more people were able to finish their registration successfully,” says product manager, David Agajanian.

Events were also perfect for finding out if a new design works as expected – if there are only a few people using the new feature, something was wrong.

2019: Developers are part of the Smartlook group

So far, customer support and the product department are working together to report and prevent issues. One piece of the chain is missing, though – developers who repair bugs in the first place.
A new product manager got an idea to implement Smartlook directly to the developers’ teams and share the reports with individual developers in order to create an effective debug workflow.
Regular reports were created, warning developers about possible issues that could easily be achieved by observing spikes and other irregularities in events, which often signals a potential problem.

Another new process involved regular UI testing – from now on, every change in design was evaluated by using Smartlook tools – especially events. If any new design didn’t have good numbers in Smartlook, subtle changes were made, and customer support carefully evaluated the users’ reactions.

2020: A well-oiled machine with a single goal – destroying bugs

In 2020, more people were trained to use Smartlook, especially those coming from customer support. That gave the product managers and developers more tips for uncovering bugs.

Debugging workflow: From reporting the issue to fixing the problem

Over the years, Smartlook users at Disqo developed a well-oiled machine on how to get rid of bugs.

Weapons against bugs:

The future:

Smartlook’s NextGen platform released at the end of 2020 brought several positive changes. The main one is that NextGen made it much easier to focus on user privacy.
Besides, it is now much simpler to switch between the different developer environments from testing to staging to production. NextGen was designed to work in teams. Currently, Disqo is trying to fully utilize the report sharing and user permission system to polish their already well-developed workflow.
Anomaly detection released in the spring of 2021 made life easier for the product department. Instead of manually investigating spikes in events, product managers simply wait for an email announcing a sudden change.

The biggest upcoming challenge will be to integrate Smartlook into the mobile app using Smartlook Mobile SDK.

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Wrapping up:

The Disqo case study is a mirror of our development journey at Smartlook. In the beginning, they used Smartlook as a simple gadget for customer recordings. Gradually, as we offered more and more features, the great team at Disqo was able to fully utilize Smartlook as a powerful all-in-one tool.
Unfortunately, many of our customers still get stuck on the basics and are using only basic features such as recordings and heatmaps. Using advanced features and connecting different departments helps deal with issues and prevent problems while streamlining the overall flow of projects.

author Petr Vecek

Content Manager

The post Disqo and Smartlook: Growing together since 2017 appeared first on Smartlook Blog.

How this award-winning studio uses Smartlook to make its games better Mon, 21 Jan 2019 09:51:00 +0000 Game development can sometimes feel like being blind. Even to the biggest professionals. Even after 20 years in the field.

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You can still encounter difficulties explaining problems.

Problems that you can only guess as to why they’re happening.

That’s why we talked to award-winning studio Madfinger Games about the problems they face and how Smartlook has helped solve them. They develop their games in the Unity engine and use Smartlook to record players’ screens.

“There’s this situation in Shadowgun Legends when the player comes back to the world hub, and we expect them to go get a reward,” says Miroslav Ondrus, a CTO in Madfinger Games.

Miroslav Ondrus, Madfinger Games CTO

“But there’s 20 seconds where we simply don’t know what’s happening. They have finished a mission, come back, but don’t go get the reward,” explains Ondrus.

So then what?

Speculation. Sometimes the team could only guess why something was happening.

They would brainstorm possible reasons and perhaps use the customer care team to get in touch with users who behaved in unexpected ways. But not every player would be willing to talk about it. “It was fairly laborious to deal with those situations,” adds Ondrus.

Ondrus and his team would spend a lot of time thinking about the possible causes of the problem. But they wouldn’t be sure if they had found it and would have to confirm it in various ways.

How is Smartlook going to help Madfinger create better games?

“When we can’t see the problem right away, we have to spend a lot more time on it,” says Ondrus about why they started using Smartlook.

With screen recordings, you’re no longer in the dark. No longer having to speculate about blind spots.

Which left us wondering… does Ondrus know what events they are going to track?

“No. That’s the cool thing about Smartlook — we often have no idea what we’re going to need. And Smartlook captures everything for us. We can always set up an event later and start focusing on the problem when it pops up.“

This is how a game by Madfinger looks like in Smartlook.

People from Madfinger need to know how players interact with their game.

They need to understand where unexpected user behavior comes from. “Videos from Smartlook are another step forward for our analytics team,” says Ondrus.

But he also expects other people to use it. “Definitely the game director uses it, I use it because I am really curious, and probably our level designers”. They can watch if people complete a mission in a way they had originally anticipated. “I am quite excited about it, to be honest.”

Did the Madfinger team have any worries or concerns?

Ondrus mentions that their games are always cutting edge. “We’ll put most of a mobile’s resources to good use. So we were afraid that Smartlook might put too much additional strain on players’ phones.”

They decided to control the tool from the Cloud to choose what devices to run it on.

“We’re going to use it on high-end devices first, and we can always turn it off,” explains Ondrus. The plan is to slowly start using it on older phones, as well.

There were two more things that were essential for people at Madfinger.

They needed control over the recording bit rate. And information about how video uploads work.

Smartlook actually allows you to choose the screen recording quality yourself. You decide on the size of the file and associated FPS rates, and it uploads recordings only when a phone is connected to a Wi-Fi network.

It works in the background. In a non-invasive way to make sure that no users are annoyed. It doesn’t cause FPS issues, doesn’t drain battery, and doesn’t exhaust cellular data.

author Andrej Brabec

CRO specialist

The post How this award-winning studio uses Smartlook to make its games better appeared first on Smartlook Blog.

]]> uses Smartlook to verify customer issues Thu, 27 Jul 2017 10:11:00 +0000 What do you use Smartlook for? Here at, we use Smartlook to verify bugs and issues that our customers ...

The post uses Smartlook to verify customer issues appeared first on Smartlook Blog.


What do you use Smartlook for?

Here at, we use Smartlook to verify bugs and issues that our customers report. It also helps us evaluate A/B test results, and our UX research team uses it to understand customer behavior better.

Which teams in your company use Smartlook?

Testers on our quality assurance team mainly use Smartlook. Our task is testing the flight booking portal to improve the user experience. We review bugs and user experience-related issues and report them to our development and UX teams.

If a support representative receives a ticket from a customer and believes it’s related to a bug or an issue with the interface, they report it to our quality assurance team. We then analyze it further and watch Smartlook video recordings of the customer involved to see what exactly happened

If we confirm it is a bug or a UX issue, we report it to the appropriate team and send them a link to the customer’s recording in Smartlook. Sometimes, the UX team uses Smartlook directly to analyze A/B test results and to determine how new features are used.

What problem does Smartlook help you solve?

Smartlook allows us to verify customer issues in a way that wasn’t previously possible. When a customer reports an issue, it’s often difficult to analyze what exactly happened based solely on logs or a customer’s brief description. Customers will often say things like, “Your booking page doesn’t work, so I wasn’t able to book a flight,” without providing details. 

Now, we can simply watch a video recording of that particular customer in Smartlook to see exactly what happened and identify the issue right away. Thanks to Smartlook, we’ve improved bug-detection and UX issues and can now achieve faster case resolution times.

There is also an additional collateral value to Smartlook — while watching recordings of particular customers to review an issue they reported, we often discover unrelated UX issues. 

For example, we often notice that customers forget to fill in their title (Mr./Mrs.) while entering their personal info. This results in a form error when the customer attempts to complete their booking. Thanks to Smartlook, we detected this issue and reported it to the UX team, who then improved the interface.

How did you deal with UX issues before?

Our quality assurance team verified customer issues using log files from developers, which often didn’t give us such good insights into customer behavior. The review of customer UX issues was a lengthier process. We didn’t have any evidence for the customer if they were disputing what exactly happened during the flight booking, as the logs were too technical to be used in customer communication.

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Can you quantify how Smartlook helps you?

Our QA testers save approximately 8 minutes with each customer issue. We discover roughly 10 bugs per month, which would likely go undetected without Smartlook. 

I also think Smartlook decreases the ticket volume for support as we can solve customer issues faster.

What made you choose Smartlook over other product analytics solutions?

Other products weren’t able to record all visitors because they relied on visitor traffic sampling. Smartlook was the only solution with always-on recording. It was also the only service able to record all elements of our complex website, for example, our dynamic flight search map.

author Vladimír Šandera

Cofounder, optimist

The post uses Smartlook to verify customer issues appeared first on Smartlook Blog.

How Found 15 Bugs on Its Website in 3 Hours Tue, 18 Jul 2017 09:22:00 +0000 What made you start using Smartlook? Initially, there was some uncertainty and a notion that Smartlook could not deliver the same results ...

The post How Found 15 Bugs on Its Website in 3 Hours appeared first on Smartlook Blog.


What made you start using Smartlook?

Initially, there was some uncertainty and a notion that Smartlook could not deliver the same results as user testing. After watching a few recordings, our attitude changed completely. It turned out that quantity can eventually give us the same data as if a user were to arrive for testing in person. is the biggest search engine for discounts and special offers in Central Europe. We spoke with the current CEO, Petr Kovacik, about how Smartlook helps his company reveal errors and bugs on their website.

You tweeted that Smartlook helped you find 15 bugs in three hours! What were they?

We were watching a user trying to log in, and they kept getting a strange error message. I sent the video to our programmers to find out what was causing it. Suddenly, the problem was fixed! The old way to solve this would have been to write an issue and complicatedly simulate the bug. In other videos, we tracked how users would use the search bar on the website and whether they would get relevant results. This is so much more than just looking at statistics. We also discovered that, at a specific moment, it is impossible to enter a review for a discount. It turns out that most people don’t close cookies or social media popups and just leave them open somewhere in a corner.  

Does Smartlook improve your marketing?

Yes. We’ve had arguments about whether certain PPC campaigns are beneficial to customers. Now I have materials that I send to our PPC specialist, and she can see what happens when she directs someone to the wrong landing page. I found out about more issues, but some are internal. We use them more as topics for discussion about what our website visitors do and want.

What are the biggest advantages of Smartlook?

To put it simply, you can track visitors that come via ads. It is also a great tool for testing new features and debugging. We are often surprised to see how visitors use our website.

How will you use Smartlook in the future?

When the user interacts with a new feature that we’re monitoring, we tag them via the Smartlook API. Then, if I search for all users that performed a certain action (e.g., used the “favorite” button), I can look at how they use this feature. There are numerous things you can come up with, but I currently need more time to go through our recordings.

author Petr Janošík

Founder and CEO

The post How Found 15 Bugs on Its Website in 3 Hours appeared first on Smartlook Blog.
